Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blithering idiot

Not a nice thing to call someone, but come on. How could he write this in all seriousness?

New Gazette Editorial.
Sunday November 1, 2009

We are now closer than ever before to effectively eliminating the monopoly that exists on health insurance. I find it ironic that Republicans are now against competition that will cause the insurance industry to regulate itself.
Usually it is Republicans calling for less governmental control and free enterprise competition. Now we see them fighting against free enterprise. It is no mystery that people are shrinking away from the Republican party at an alarming rate.
Now is the time when we must resist the temptation afforded by health care lobbyists. It is an easy way to make more campaign money than God, and is especially tempting for congressmen from the smaller states where they could only ever dream of that kind of money. But they need to remember who they represent.
Their constituents are supposed to be the people in their state, hopefully the majority and not the insurance companies attempting to buy their vote.

Do I live in some alternate reality?

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